A grounding blend for relaxing and centering the body.
Features Spruce, Ho Wood, Frankincense and Blue Tansy
Soothing unmistakable aroma that is well known for its Universal Healing and therapeutic properties
A calming blend for releasing tension and stress.
Features Lavender, Sweet Marjoram, Roman Chamomile, Ylang Ylang, Hawaiian Sandalwood and vanilla bean. Nirvana Asian Massage in Fife has my personal favorite Essential oils in Tacoma
Past Tense
Very distinct blend of Wintergreen, Lavender, Peppermint, Features Frankincense, Cilantro, Marjoram, Roman Chamomile, Basil and Rosemary known to reduce the discomforts of stress and tension
Essential Oils AromaTouch
A masterful blend for relief and maximum massage benefits.
Features Basil, Grapefruit, Cypress, Marjoram, Peppermint, and Lavender
Deep Blue
A powerful blend to release pain and tension from the body.
Features Wintergreen, Camphor, Peppermint, Blue Tansy, German Chamomile and Helichrysum
Citrus Bliss essential oils
An uplifting blend which sharpens the mind and promotes joy.
Wild Orange
Energizing and revitalizing to the mind and body
Promotes healthy respiratory function and clear breathing
Aromatherapy massage is a combination of a massage with essential oils added to the massage oil. It will provide benefits for both your mind and body.
During the massage session, you inhale the essential oil and absorb it through your skin. There are many reasons why you should incorporate aromatherapy with your massage session here are just a few of the benefits:
• Reduce anxiety levels
• Ease depression
• Boost energy and memory
• Speed up the healing process
• Eliminate headaches
• Induce sleep
• Strengthen the immune system
• Reduce pain
• Improve digestion
• Increase circulation
Breathe Aromatherapy
An invigorating blend that opens the airways, blood vessels & tissues of the body.
Features Laurel Leaf, Cardamom, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Melaleuca, Lemon, and Ravensara
Melaleuca essential oils
Smells like a Spring day in the woods.
Tee Tea is comprised of more than 90 compounds renowned for promoting a healthy immune function.
On Guard
First line of defense for immune support
Features Wild Orange, Clove, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus and Rosemary
Each essential oil used in aromatherapy will have different properties. Some are calming, while others energize. Some of the most popular and useful essential oils listed below:
Clary Sage – Uses: Antispasmodic, Relieves Cramps, Relaxing, Relieves anxiety, Labor pain management
Cypress – Uses: Astringent, Antispasmodic, Respiratory Complaints, Edema, Cellulitis, Menstrual /Muscle Pain
Eucalyptus- Uses: Expectorant, Decongestant, Beneficial for cold/flu, Energizing, Bronchitis
Fennel – Uses: Digestive, Menstrual Irregularities, Antimicrobial
Geranium – Uses: PMS, Indicated or hormonal imbalance, Antimicrobial, Nerve Pain
Ginger - Uses: Digestive, Useful to Eliminate Gas, Constipation, Relieves Nausea, Warming Emotionally and Physically, Anti-Inflammatory, Relieves Pain, Immune Modulator
Helichrysum – Uses: Cell Regenerative, Wound Healing, Anti-inflammatory, Indicated for Bruises and Swelling
Lavender – Uses: Calming, reduces Anxiety, Wound Healing, Burns, Cell Regenerative, Insect Bites, Antispasmodic, Reduces Itchiness, General Skin Care, Great For Children
Lemon – Uses: Antimicrobial, Antioxidant, Uplifting, Anti-stress, Immune Enhancing, Great for Cleaning or Cleansing Home and Environment
Lemongrass- Uses: Cleansing, Antiviral, Insect Repellent. Use for Cleaning, Antimicrobial
Mandarin – Uses: Calming, Great for Children (combine with Lavender), Slightly more warming citrus aroma
Neroli – Uses: Relieves and Reduces Anxiety, Antispasmodic, PMS, Antidepressant, Nourishing, Postpartum Depression, Pregnancy/Delivery.
Patchouli - Uses: Antidepressant, Anti-Inflammatory, Soothes the nervous system
Peppermint – Uses: Relieves Nausea, Muscular Aches and Pains, Relieves / Reduces Migraines, Antispasmodic
Roman Chamomile – Uses: Antispasmodic, Menstrual cramps, Sedative, Relieves Anxiety/Stress, Insomnia, Great for children (soothing, comforting), Anti-inflammatory
Rose – Uses: Cell Regenerative, Nourishing Emotions, Aphrodisiac, Relieves /Reduces Stress and Anxiety, PMS
Rosemary – Uses: Indicated for Respiratory Congestion, Bronchitis, Colds and Flu, Expectorant, Expands and Deepens the Breath, Energizing, Clears the Mind, Sinus Congestion, Circulatory Stimulant
Tea Tree – Uses: Supports/Enhances Immune System, Antimicrobial, Antibacterial, Anti-fungal, Antiviral
Vetiver – Uses: Calming, Grounding, Astringent, Useful for Varicose Veins
Ylang Ylang – Uses: Aphrodisiac, Antispasmodic, Antidepressant, Nourishing