A couple’s massage is for you and someone special in your life. This massage can be with your spouse, a significant other, your BFF, a day out with your Mom, Dad or other family member – the possibilities are endless. You will enjoy a massage side by side with two massage therapists that work together at the same time. This allows you to spend quality time with each other: bonding, relaxing, visiting or just hanging out all while getting the best massage you have ever had. It is also a special way to create memories that will last forever. You can also add to your experience by spending time in our sauna or the addition of Aromatherapy to your massage session.
Come see us for the Best Couples Massage in Tacoma and Fife.
Never had a couple’s massage! You have been missing out on one of the best, most delightful and memorable experiences that are available. Sharing this relaxing and memorable massage session provides opportunities for connecting and bonding with your family, friends and loved ones in a special, unique and meaningful way.
A couple’s massage is generally offered in a private room on side-by-side massage tables with two therapists who work on each person at the same time.
Usually, there is a consultation with the massage therapist to review your session goals and answer any questions you may have. You will be shown to your massage room and the therapist will leave the room for a short time while you and your massage partner disrobe and lie down on the massage tables, with sheets covering you.
Couple’s massage is a great way for men and women to introduce their significant other to the benefits of massage therapy. Many people who have never had a massage are reluctant to try it but can be convinced if they don’t have to do it alone. Both massages will end at the same time. The massage therapists let each of you know the session has ended, then leave the room while you dress, and then greet you at the door with fresh water.
A couple’s massage is the perfect gift experience for any occasion.